In a church several years ago where I was pastor, I would give a five-minute children’s story during the morning service. I used visual aids the children could connect with as I was explaining a biblical truth. On one such occasion, I took an empty two-liter cola bottle and filled it with water. I gave small cups to each child and showed them the bottle with the label facing them. I began pouring the “cola” into their cup and as I did I asked, “Would you like some Coca Cola?” I took a sip and commented on how good the cola was. One boy said, “Preacher, this isn’t coke, its water?” “Sure it is,” I explained. “It says Coca Cola on the label so what’s inside must be cola.”

You and I know that sometimes what’s on the inside is not necessarily what it is labeled to be on the outside. The same thing is true about us in regard to spiritual matters. Romans 10:9-11 says, “(9) that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.  (10)  For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.  (11)  For the Scripture says, ‘WHOEVER BELIEVES ON HIM WILL NOT BE PUT TO SHAME.'”
These verses make it plain that to become a Christian there must be confession with your mouth and belief in your heart. Confession means that you agree with God’s truth about you being a sinner, and are willing to say it in words and deeds. Do you believe that Jesus is Lord and that He is your Savior? Then say it with your heart, mouth, and life, in that order. Believing means that you accept something is real and true—no matter what others think. Do you believe that Jesus was resurrected from the dead by His own power? You must believe this to be true; otherwise, you remain dead in your sin. It’s not enough to declare to the church, your family, or your friends that Jesus is Savior and Lord; you must believe it and show that you believe it by living it. Don’t misunderstand me, the Bible teaches that works done in His name will NOT save you and make you a Christian.  When the Holy Spirit convinces you of this truth and you believe it, you will act on it by accepting Christ as your Savior, telling others, and living the life of a believer. Righteousness is what a Christian does because Christ lives in his or her heart.

I explained to the children that just like they recognized the contents of the cola bottle as being a lie, God knows our heart, mind, and soul and sees us just as we are—sinful. You may have labeled yourself as a Christian, a believer, or a righteous person. The question is how does God see your heart?